Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Getting behind!

Okay, I am officially terrible at updating this thing! I can't even post any pictures because we're currently Internet-less at the house and I'm doing this from work. I just had a quick second and wanted to say that all is going great! Since I last posted, we've spent two weekends in Cincinnati with family (it was so great to see everyone!) and Mom came to visit on her cross-country tour! We had a BLAST!! I'll detail those fun trips soon. General Conference was extraordinary! They're always good, but I thought Elder Holland's and Elder Ballard's remarks were especially memorable. And it was nice to see a humorous side of our new prophet, Pres. Monson. It was weird, but I really did feel a different spirit from him when he spoke. He has definitely taken on the new mantle as prophet.

Other than that, it's been pretty quiet. I'm enjoying watching my doppelganger on American Idol (if I had a nickel for everytime someone said I remind them of Brooke White, this baby could go to Yale) and Top Chef. Justin is still actively pursuing new job opportunities, so please keep your fingers crossed. Pregnancy continues to be relatively problem-free (don't hate me!). My only complaint is that this kid doesn't stop moving! Justin and I spend about five minutes every night in bed just watching my stomach gyrate and shift. It does create Alien flashbacks, but it's more neat than weird (though only barely-it is seriously strange to watch your stomach move on it's own). Also, spring has finally arrived in Ohio! Robins and starlings are out, buds are beginning to show on trees, and the thunderstorms are starting to roll in. Man, do I love living in a place with seasons!!!!

So, that's all for now. Once we're connected to the rest of the world again, I'll upload photos and show the progress of my burgeoning belly!


ern said...

yay, that is so exciting watching your baby move! my mom always said when they're doing acrobatics like that, it's just to remind you of how they'll behave once they come out (and turn 2 years old). i am so excited for you! can't wait to see more pics. we'll post some of emily soon too.

Katie said...

So, I watched a video of Brooke White (you know I'm not an Idol watcher) just so I could help send your child to Yale. I'll send you my nickle ;) That is uncanny!